Sixth formers celebrate A-level results
Sixth formers have been celebrating their A-level results today.
William Ralphs, 18, is thrilled after he achieved an A in Biology, and Bs in Chemistry and Geography. He is planning on studying Biology at university.
He said: “I got quite low grades in my mocks. In my actual exams I thought they went well and I really did put the work in. When I came out of the exams and started to speak to people, they thought they went well as well. I had read some stories about grade boundaries being high so I didn’t really know what to expect, I expected the worst but hoped for the best. I knew I had been accepted on the university course before I got my grades and when I found out my grades I was really pleased.”
Alicia Ward, 18, achieved Merits in Applied Science and Applied Business and a Distinction* in Media. She is now applying for apprenticeships in Marketing.
She said: “I wasn’t feeling very confident about my results, especially in my business and science as I felt like I struggled in those subjects. I wasn’t expecting to get what I did, I was shaking when I opened my results. I’m looking at apprenticeships and having interviews.”
Sofia Baxendale-Baines achieved A*s in Art and Design and Spanish and a C in History. She is going on to do a foundation year at Loughborough before applying for a Fine Art course in Salamanca in Spain.
The 18-year-old’s mum is Spanish and she has family in Spain and part of the reason she wants to study out there is to reconnect with her roots.
She said: “I’ve always lived in England but I have dual heritage. I want to study in Salamanca because the course is amazing but I also want to reconnect with my roots. My mum is really happy that I will hopefully be going to study in Spain. I was really stressed before I got my results and I was really happy with my A*s. I did manage to switch off over the summer but the last few days have been torture!”
Louis Davie, 17, achieved A*s in Maths, Physics and Chemistry and is going to the University of Oxford to study Chemistry.
He said: “I’m over the moon. I had two interviews for Oxford, I applied there because I wanted to aim high. I don’t think it’s sunk in yet. I definitely want to work in something to do with science, I’d love to work in a lab that would be cool. I had managed to forget about things over the summer but started to feel really nervous yesterday and I was up at 6.30am. I logged on to UCAS at 8.01am and when I knew I was in Oxford I was very happy, it was such a relief.”
Erin Mead, 18, got the grades she needed to study Physiotherapy at the University of Leicester.
She said: “We were on holiday until yesterday and that’s when it hit me a bit. I’m really pleased to get into university to study Physiotherapy.”
Jen Allen, 18, secured a place at her first choice, the University of Liverpool, to study Hispanic Studies.
She said: “I was really relieved when I logged into UCAS and got the message to say I had been accepted. Some of my friends also got in to Liverpool and I can’t wait to go there.”
Jasmine Tirol, 18, achieved As in Maths, Biology and Art and Design and is off to study Architecture at university.
She said: “I logged on to UCAS at 7am and just stayed logged on. At 8am I found out that I had been accepted at university and I was just screaming and jumping up and down. I was really surprised by my grades, I didn’t expect to get 3 As.”
Mrs Peden, Head of Sixth Form, said: “I am so proud of our Year 13s and everything they have achieved today. It has been a culmination of two years of hard work in the context of an unsettled secondary journey with the pandemic. Every student who wanted to go on to university has earned their place on their desired courses, and students who have aspired to Degree Apprenticeships have confirmed places for September. The students who choose to come to us for Sixth Form are incredible and today has been the best end to a long journey. It has been a privilege to work with this year group and we will miss them so much.”
Mrs Boyce, Headteacher, said: “We are pleased with our results this year, which are up from last year’s. Once again, they reflect the hard work and dedication of our pupils and staff.
“A number of subjects have secured outstanding result for their pupils including Media, Art and Design, Spanish, PE and Drama