The Programme of Study

How to become an independent learner

Study Periods

In order to support our Sixth Formers to make good progress, we provide students with nine supervised study periods – three periods per level three course. Students are given specific guidance on how to make the most of these hours and are taught a range of study skills by their tutors, which are refreshed on a half termly basis.

During study periods, students have access to the online Sixth Form Study Platform, into which subject teachers store wider reading material, resources and tasks that students can complete independently in between lessons. Subject teachers guide students towards appropriate sections of the platform via Satchel One’s Flexible Task option. Study Periods are not used for homework, but as time to embed course content and improve their wider knowledge around their chosen subjects.

At all times, our Sixth Form Student Supervisor supports and guides students on the best way to learn and manage their time.

For students who are at risk of not making expected progress, we offer bespoke support, coaching students to organise their study periods, providing weekly check-ins with class and homework.