
Prayer is an invitation to come before our Heavenly Father who knows our needs and longs to hear our voices. God hears and responds to us because He is faithful and has compassion on His children. There are many ways types of prayer; Adoration, Petition, Repentance, Thanksgiving or Intersession. Below are some prayers that we use at Saint Benedict CVA.

Prayer of Saint Benedict

We pray, Lord, that everything we do may be prompted by your inspiration, so that every prayer and work of ours may begin from you and be brought by you to completion. Amen

Prayer to St Ralph Sherwin

Most Holy Priest and Martyr, Saint Ralph Sherwin, you gave your whole life freely and earnestly, forsaking all risk to yourself, seeking to do the Lord’s will “today rather than tomorrow”. You died for love of Christ and his Church, as a witness to bring others to the truth. Pray that we might follow the Lord more earnestly, with eyes fixed firmly on his Son, never putting off till tomorrow what can be done today. Obtain for us the grace to share your courage and conviction, to live lives transformed by love of Jesus, following His call wherever it may lead, sharing Him with all whom we meet. Amen

St Ralph Sherwin CMAT Pupil’s Prayer

St Ralph Sherwin, Holy Priest and Martyr, You have shown us the deep joy that comes from trusting in God, and the great things that can be done when we live how Jesus wants us to each day. Pray for us that we may also follow Jesus with the same commitment and love, so that we may experience his perfect loving friendship and then to have the courage, to share it with all we meet, “today not tomorrow.” Amen

For more prayers